Thunder Mountain wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
Thunder Mountain wrote:
OP here. I purchased a new Sony yesterday. I priced completed auctions on eBay and found I can sell the VBR120 for about $35. Out it goes.
If it isn't working for your needs then why in the world would you pawn it off to an unsuspecting person???? Top it off making them bid and PAY for it plus shipping :h
Doing so helps to continue making Ebay sellers look bad and will give YOU a black eye when the buyer finds out that player is crippled..
For the measly $35 you would get for it GIVE IT AWAY, THROW IT OUT, OR KEEP IT and use it to play music CDs, DVDs or whatever Blurays you have that do work..
OP here. Easy there. I'm not trying to cheat anybody. That is the going price from numerous sellers on eBay from recent transactions. Buyers on eBay are for the most part very savvy.
I've been buying and selling on eBay since 1998 with a 100% feedback rating. I don't need a lecture from you about selling ethics.
FYI It is illegal to "throw away" electronics, and I don't need another player. eBay and Craig's List are probably one of the ultimate recycling venues available. I recently sold an outdated underwater camera to a buyer in Romania who was very happy with the transaction.
It ISN'T ILLEGAL to "throw away" electronics anywhere.
A coworker of mine took THREE 27" CRT TVS to Best Buy, and it cost him NOTHING to get rid of them..
Purposely selling something that you KNOW is not fully functioning and selling it as if it is good (misrepresentation) it is ethically and morally questionable at best.
Folks tend to look at price and skip over the fine print spelling out the details of the malfunction so even a small mention of the malfunction often gets overlooked..
What gets me is you are trying to get a measly $35 out of a non working unit (it DOESN'T PLAY ALL BLURAYS)by pawning it off to someone else.. So, you spend the time and money to put it on Ebay (they don't do that for free you know), you then will have to pack it, then take it to a shipper.. That ALL costs you TIME.. For the time and effort in it you will basically get $5 out of that $35 sale price when the dust settles..
Don't know about you but my time and energy is worth a heck of a lot more than $5..
Take it to a retail store that offers free recycling (there, I am being PC) and let them cleanly recycle the scrap item.. Instead of selling to some other poor unsuspecting person who then will ultimately toss it in regular trash in a fit of rage when they discover a new rental disc does not play in it..