valhalla360 wrote:
way2roll wrote:
As a with a lot of things, the answer is - it depends. If you are planning to use multiple devices, working, streaming tv/movies etc I would definitely opt for a dedicated hot spot with an unlimited data plan. If you are just browsing, checking email etc, I am sure your phone's hot spot will suffice.
Everything you say can be handled by the phones just least it has for us.
Because I’d venture You aren’t a real big user of internet.. ok but but some people are. Go over to rv mobile internet and see.
In our case We use almost 300gb a month and are minor users ….there are those who use that in a few days.. how much are you using in your phones hotspot a month? 1movie is 2-3 gb If your a weekend warrior sure the phone may work. We started out full time that way and quickly adapted .. DW had a provided business phone with rare unlimited hotspot .. most don’t have much more than 15-30gb a month hotspot on their unlimited phone and don’t know it ! that’s a day for us . Using the phone became a hassle and I need cameras security etc online 24 7 Open up to the idea your method isnt the only way. Or even the best way for someone else The question was what were the options. Let the op decide