Bill.Satellite wrote:
I also believe the poster mentioned the setup had worked previously and is using a "Satellite In" connection designed for the use of satellite TV and not a "Cable" connection that would run through a splitter or power supply.
Just because these RV manufacturers claim satellite ready and provide connections marked satellite does not mean a hell of a lot in a lot of cases. They usually can not get speaker wiring correct either. I have had to rewire rigs we have owned, and have done quite a few for others , where the so called factory wiring marked satellite was just simply wrong for one reason or another. I've seen them put splitters on satellite connections which would of been fine, if they would have used a power pass splitter instead of the generic junk they found for 10 cents.
Even if they get it right chances are the F connectors are boogered up and/or are the cheapest junk they could obtain.