4G LTE is a different frequency. In the US, Virgin is a Sprint reseller. The Sprint 4G is in its infancy. Turn off the 4G. Some phones make this easy. Other phones require an app to turn off 4G. What is the power output of the older dumb phone? What is the actual signal level? The signal level bars displayed is not accurate. The signal level bars are a mathematical conversion. The actual signal level should be used for best comparison. A few years ago Apple had to admit to fudging the signal level bars. Apple devices mysteriously had better "signal" than others. I've found Motorola devices on average to have 2-3db actual signal level more than other devices.
On 3G, lower signal level is better. At -90db and lower expect good data and call ability. As signal level degrades from -95db to -100db expect intermittent calling and poor data. From -100db to -110db is texting only. No signal is -120db. Every cell tower is different when it comes to perfect signal. Some cell towers perfect 3G is -50db. I've also seen -70db as perfect signal level. Also, cell towers are not created equal. They have varying levels of data throughput speed. Data speed varies depending on how the tower receives its input copper vs fiber. Network congestion also determines data speed and dropped calls.
My daughter knows to text only if there's a widespread emergency like an Earthquake. The Network was never designed for everyone to call at once.