I find that's interesting that a 2015 RV Unit does not support Digital TV signals. The National Broadcast System doesn't use analog signals anymore since 2009 i think it was and I am pretty sure all of the newer RV's use Digial TVs in them. Running off the batteries off-grid is part of owning a RV unit. I imagine alot of the Camp grounds are now converting over to digital TV signals...
I think your best bet is to go to WALMART and make a deal on their 22-inch VIZIO. They are often on sale and bet you can talk them down to their sales prices for the asking...
The digital adapters will convert the very good viewing digital signal to analog mode. Big loss...
These TVs will pick up both Analog and Digital TV signals and are pretty rugged ($100-$150). I have had one in my OFF-ROAD POPUP since 2008 and always way back off the trail using it...

Roy's Image
I was in WALMART the other say just walking around while the wife was grocery shopping. I found one of those Antenna Stick plug-in adapters that came with a TV Thumper. All you need to do is connect an antenna to it. This would plug into your computer USB port. Didn't notice the price but probably less than a full blown TV set...
Be sure to check out you system - something has failed there I'm thinking. I would almost bet 2012 year and up RV's all come with Analog and Digital LCDs now...
Be sue to check the button on our Antenna panel and make it is off (led OFF). This will inhibit the CABLE TV port if it is on...

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Roy Ken