Remove Battery, Remove A/C adapter plug from Computer
Sit on the power switch for like a minute
Restore battery
Restore adapter plug
Try again
If it works Decide if you need to buy lotto tickets cause when you hot you hot or if you need to avoid lotto tickets cause you done used your ration of LUCK for the week. }
And as always if it does not work your FREE is hearby cheerfully refunded :)
My Trusty Tosh is now 5 years old and is sitting under the HP chrome book this is typed on.
IN the time it takes to TURN on the Tosh (Windows 10) I can take a Chrome book out of the box and if I've got good fast 5 Gig Wi-Fi have it fully set up with all my bookmarks and applications before I'm ready to open the browser on the Tosh.. I'm spoiled
But the HP's don't have a lot of storage nor any "Productavity" apps other than Google _____ which are all on line things.
The Tosh does logging and runs a bunch of stuff Chrome won't.