Way back around 2003 I picked up a couple of REPLAY TV units. back then they let me record on one play back on the other. Download to a portable device. Stream from a computer and the stuff the ads say can only be done if you subscribe to the expensive over priced subscription service (AND MORE) ..
They still do.. Only now I have to use a "Digital front end" (Set top box to convert ATSC to NTSC because the replays are NTSC only)
What's more if I am in a park with ANALOG cable I can download both the OTA and Cable guides and the REPLAYS will automatically choose the source.. picking the DIgital input on line 2 or the RF (Analog cable) in as needed
I had a few Replays as well, they were ahead of their time and loved the commercial skip feature. Now we run a Tivo OTA and love it, it also has the commercial skip feature. I also have a tivo stream and tivo mini on the other tv. I can watch any recorded show from my tivo wherever I am at.