There are many things you can do to "minimize" your private data on the web-internet.
1. Google or use a search engine on your full name and go through the list that comes up and delete whatever you can delete like web posts with your name on it.
2. Only search the web using a service that does not sell your information. I rarely use google. I do use duck duckgo every day. Works well and my searches are private.
3. Clear out your browser caches like history and cookies.
4. Do not use a free email that scans your mail.
5. Go into your settings on your browser and turn off anything that looks like it will invade your privacy.
6. Never post anything on Facebook you don't want the public to know about.
7. Do not use free photo online storage services of anyone who makes money selling ads.
8. Delete old public stuff like Linked In and My Space
9. Never never write anything on the internet that you don't want the public to be able to find.
10. Switch to Apple stuff. Their main business is selling your gadgets, phones, and computers - the hardware. They sell software that works with their devices. In general they encrypt the information that goes on the web. Even things like their message app and mail app.
11. Final comment. I like google and have long used them. But they do scan your stuff. They do save info on you like where you have been every minute of the day 24-7. But they do let you erase it if you want to. If you use google maps and want to erase your location information you can do that easily.
12. I almost forgot. Do get and use ad blocking software on ALL of your stuff, phone, computer, iPad and so on.