The same old story about RG6 vs. RG59. First there is NO standard for any RG. It is an old military standard which meant Radio Grade and was replaced by Mil-Specs years ago. I could take any piece of coax, stamp RG 6 on it and legally sell it. Generally RG6 will have slightly less loss and better shielding than RG59 but better performance is not required for the label. A good quality RG59 can easily outperform a lesser quality RG6. For any RV application the slight difference in loss in the distance covered is not detectable except by very expensive test equipment and will certainly have no effect on the satellite receiver. Bill says 50 ft. but I would expand that to over 100 ft. before RG6 might be required. By far the most losses in any installation comes from couplers and splitters. Even good quality average about 3db of loss each, And of course improper installation of the connectors can kill the entire installation. I realize that this is long winded but as I work with coaxial cable line loss every day including some that cost hundreds of dollars per foot it bothers me when people parrot that RG6 must be used when they don't have a clue.