If you have to order an additional SAT RCVR it will add to your account which is not all that expensive.
I just bring along a SAt RCVR from the bedroom and all I had to purchase was another SAT DISH. I got the two port portable dish setup.
This way I can bring TWO SAt RCVRs from the house and hook each one to the two DISH ports. Then I can run one in the bedroom and the other one in the living room area of the trailer. Each one can select its own SAT CHANNELS. I always use the VIDEO OUTPUTs from the SAT RCVR to the trailer TV Inputs. Then I can select SAT TV, OTA TV, or CABLE TV if connected by just using the remote control unit on both my TV sets.
This is all condoned by DIRECTV so you don't have to think you are doing something illegal. Like mention above you will lose your local channels as soon as you leave your neighborhood ZIP CODE. One thing to think about is to always bring along your account info as my SAt equipment is old and I usually lose my SAT TV setups when I unplug it after a few minutes. This makes me have to call SAT TV to turn it back on for me so you will need your account info to do this. You can also do this on-line if you have internet connections on the road.
Losing your local channels can be overcome by using the Trailer OTA BATWING antenna to pick up the NATL BROADCAST from the local towns where you are camping. As a matter of fact the local town Natl Broadcast is transmitted in full high def mode and is free to the public and is much better on the eye then the standard DIRECTV sat rcvr signal.
After I figured all of this out I stopped bringing along my DIRECTV SAT RCVR stuff. We just watch OTA NATL BROADCAST HDTV everywhere we go now. Usually get 6-36 Digital TV signals everywhere we go here on the East side of the US. If there is a special SAT TV channel we want to watch will just downstream that from the Internet.
Roy Ken