When I was bringing my SAT DISH and bedroom SAT RCVR with me from home I could never use the so called SAT CONNECTION on the outside of the trailer. It will not pass the DC Control voltage needed for the dish.
The way I got my setup to work was run two RG cables from the two port SAT DISH HEAD to two SAT RCVRs ANT INPUT connection inside the trailer. Then I ran VIDEO cable from each of the SAT RVCR to a VIDEO INPUT of the TV SET in the Living Room and the second video cable to the VIDEO INPUT of the TV SET in the bedroom.
Then I just select VID 1 on the trailer TV using the remote control unit.
I am assuming you must be at home and using your HOUSE SAT DISH to check things out with.
I routed my two RG cables into my trailer thru the storage bay door.
I would do this temporary to see how things work then decide how you really want to get setup with a portable tri-pod dish etc...
This is what worked for us for a season and when the NATL BROADCAST went digital we just stopped bringing out the SAT RCVR stuf.. Too much work to get the portable DISH pointed to the correct satellite for us...
I have no idea how the new SAT TV hookups are done today.
Digital High Def National Broadcast Channels TV from the local towns is great for us.
Roy Ken