Forum Discussion

8_1_Van's avatar
Aug 10, 2016

Seagate 3.5" 60TB SSD !

I remember having a 30MB full height 5.25" HDD in my IBM AT PC back in the 80's.
  • My first computer had 256 bytes of memory- yes, bytes. Now they advertise using only 17 of these for a petabyte of storage.

    ( First was a Cosmac Elf II , second had 64k memory with 5 1/4" 115k discs).
  • Yeah... in graduate school in the '80s, I had a clone shop put new PC together for me. I asked for a 40MB hard drive and they guy exclaimed, "Good God! What do you need all that space for?" I explained that I was starting to play around with a half-page hand scanner and that some of the files were 3 and 4 KB big. My dad, who had worked on the Apollo project, came to visit. When he saw the PC, he said, "What's that?" When I explained that it had 1MB of RAM and a 40MB hard drive, he thought a moment and replied that this was hundreds of times more computing power than they had in the command module. Of course, my first time through college, PCs hadn't been thought of and I didn't even have an electric typewriter...
