Mr Wizard hit closer than anyone here -- and I probably explained less that I should have.
I shoot images -- I use the images in my business ... and need to store the originals in case I lose it off the LT / PC -- so, generally, I have my current work on the current PC. It doesn't go into storage until I'm finished with it. "Well, it stores immediately, but the working copy stays on the LT /PC.
BUT, I won't access storage continuously time and again - and store time and again. I simply ADD a folder based on month/year. Store it twice, in two locations in two HD's now. But I worry about the HD failing (lost one actually) - so, believe SSD are more safe that traditional HD ... I store all images from a month/year once (double store), and continue using in PC / LT those without accessing that "back up" ... IF I should lose my working files / images from a shoot, I just need to go back into the HD and get what I lose (if I lose something) ...
The storage in the best case scene will not be accessed once it's stored unless I lose that specific working folder. The, I'd go get it, copy it into work folder, and never open the storage file again.
The only other time I'd open storage would be if I store it, finalize a set of images, and someone wants something from the 'history' -- that usually doesn't happen.