To clarify -- I'm not very technical, so setting up anything more complex than just "save as" is not necessary, nor useful. But the initial files is very large, and detailed. SO I need to store it only, not work with it. RAW files cannot be 'worked' it needs to convert to a .tiff or .jpeg in a working folder -- the RAW file is intense detail raw data, it converts to a photo.
I just need to back-up my photos (yes, they are important), valuable, well, each one, not so much, the collection of thousands, yes. It's like a huge tool cache - which I convert to magazine/book/journal photos, posters, photographs, artwork, Advertising Art, whenever a client has a specific need.
SO, I can't lose the individual RAW file -- I may never use it, or may use the same photo frequently. I never know until someone wants it. For example, a client might as for five or six photos of a (name) baseball player, I search it and pull it out of my working files. I want a back-up of all those working files in case I lose one (or a set) ... or a client might want a bear, a blue heron, Pikes Peak, a coyote, a mountain lion, a barn, and old stake truck, Yellowstone Old Faithful, or ten beaver shots. So, I hide it away until I need it.
I've recently lost some files on a HD, so was just looking for something easy and safer to store the files "just in case" ... and after I changed the LT to SSD, I thought about changing the storage too, as it's much faster to search and retrieve, and to actually store -- I store a several hundred at once (large file each) - and it take a while. So was seeking a faster way to transfer and a more stable 'storage cabinet' ...
Looking for a simple answer, and sometimes it comes out more complex than it needs. I appreciate all the advice, but am looking for very simple ... and want the best quality manufacturer, not a 'cheapo' ... If that helps.