Forum Discussion

burlmart's avatar
Mar 07, 2014

Something Paul Thurrott said about computer software

Edited version.

Thurrott is a well known tech writer who wrote that over decades of computing, things like resorting and reformatting all his music files for every major new software change resulted in his spending more time working on - rather than enjoying - all his music. So he says just "let it go." Give up the all the repetitive effort and simplify w/ Pandora or cloud music.

Two commonly posted justifications for why learning to navigate a fancier OS is a good thing go something like:

"You just need to learn a few different way of getting the OS to doing what you want," and

"It's good to keep learning new things."

On the 1st idea, if you just do simple computer tasks for which your basic software is pretty fully developed - like Streets and Trips, Word or Notepad, or just a browser - why use a fancier, more complex OS? Tell me I will never have to look into antivirus measures at all ever again, and we can talk.

In the second reason to 'upgrade an OS - mental stimulation - so many of us geeks over the past have used just about all the features/tasks that OSs offer and maybe we'd be better off taking up challenging crossword or other puzzle games.

Shouldn't a good OS be a background thing?

Thurrott is a serious MS fan who hawks strenuously for all XP users to STOP w/ XP. OK. Let go of the paradigm that everyone needs the latest new thing whatever the inconvenience that comes with it.
  • Gdetrailer wrote:
    Its about making money more than anything else in the world for software AND hardware companies.

    Pretty simple, really, and takes no real thought.

    If software and hardware companies do not "create" new, bigger, blingier items to sell they simply will not sell enough to stay in business.

    It is about attempting to engage CURRENT users into BUYING a NEW "product".

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

    Don't sell more product and you are out of business..

    If XP (or below) users decide to not "buy into" W7, W8 or what ever the next great offering it is LOST BUSINESS..

    It really has nothing to do with security nor with the actual users needs but it DOES have to do with a company STAYING in business..

    Thanks for that. Rock solid right. I tend to miss obvious things.

    Like this one. I am writing somewhat in response to all the tech writer's articles which almost all imply that constant upgrades are a given rule. Your dead on observation of following the money explains this, too - if their articles aren't seen to be affecting more sales, their magazine will lose advertisers, and the writers will lose a job.
  • Its about making money more than anything else in the world for software AND hardware companies.

    Pretty simple, really, and takes no real thought.

    If software and hardware companies do not "create" new, bigger, blingier items to sell they simply will not sell enough to stay in business.

    It is about attempting to engage CURRENT users into BUYING a NEW "product".

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

    Don't sell more product and you are out of business..

    If XP (or below) users decide to not "buy into" W7, W8 or what ever the next great offering it is LOST BUSINESS..

    It really has nothing to do with security nor with the actual users needs but it DOES have to do with a company STAYING in business..