Forum Discussion

capn's avatar
Apr 24, 2023

Star Link

Has anyone installed a starlink satellite? Good or bad experiences?
I'd like to know if its worth it before purchasing.
  • We have one on our houseboat. Absolutely love it. I’m on the lookout for a used system to use in our RV.
  • You need a good clear camping / parking spot that has good clear opening in the direction the dish needs to be pointed. If you're in a well treed parking spot, most likely you won't get a connection. The dish does not get pointed straight up.

    On the east coast I don't think you're going to find good spots. The further west, due to less large trees, the better you'll probably do.

    I have SL in Anchorage, AK and am not overly enthused with it. They launched over 200 sats for this area in Jan and Feb, but it takes 6 months to get them tested and in the right orbit so about July I'm hoping things will improve.
