1rickw wrote:
I bought a Roku for just the same reason. However, most of the RV parks do not give out the best WiFi signals, so it may not work. I just gave up and now use the Roku just for home use. Bummer.
You're not going to find many CG wifi's that will support streaming and you're going to be very unpopular if you try. We happen to have an unlimited Verizon data account so we stream frequently, but you can set your Netflix account to limit the amount of data it uses. Streaming is quite feasible with a 4G connection and can even be done with a good stable 3G one.
If you're willing to live with an SD picture (which is fine for watching the foreign mystery TV series we like) you can limit yourself to ~1 GB for 2 hours of video. That means a 10 GB monthly plan could be used for as much as 20 hours of video. If your plan charges you $10 for each 1 GB over the plan's allowance then a 2 hour movie might only cost ~$10 which isn't that much more than a pay per view film costs on satellite TV but your choices may be far greater.
Sure, going to Red Box is cheaper (but don't forget to include the round trip gasoline cost) and there isn't always a Red Box in the middle of places like Grand Teton NP or Yellowstone. And some people will say pre-record on your DVR which is a great idea for a 2-week vacation but not for full-timing. And Neflix DVDs also aren't the easiest things to do when you don't have regular mail delivery available.