The EMS unit (or better called a Surge/Power Protection unit) is really a must have. It will clamp down on a surge, it will cut off the electric connection coming into the RV if the line voltage drops or raises above acceptable limits, and it will check the outlet for ground, etc. This is so much more than just a surge protector and the two biggest companies that make these - Surge Guard and Progressive Industries make them for 30 amp and 50 amp RVs in both portable and hardwired models all in the $200 to $300 range (well worth it). These same companies also make just plain surge protectors and these are the units seen priced at under $100. They don't do much and will not give your electronics the same necessary protection as the EMS unit will.
I have seen the damage a spike can cause more than once. I watched an appliance plugged in but not turned on, turn itself on and burn as the result of a spike with no surge protector on the line. I have been in busy campgrounds where the voltage has dropped low. It is a lot cheaper to invest even $300 in one of these units than pay the repair bills. You have to think of these like insurance - if it never has to be called into action - that is great, but if it does, you are much better for having it.