I just can't figure out how the "Google Maps doesn't work without an internet connection" myth lives on. This misconception has existed for many years and it has been corrected many times but the same incorrect information get regurgitated over and over again.
If you are using Google Maps and you want LIVE TRAFFIC information for your upcoming route then a live internet connection is required. Google Maps allows you to down load the maps for the area you plan to travel before you go. I download a total of 4 map segments when I was in FL and it covered my entire route to Novi, MI. I ran Google Maps the entire trip on an 8" Insignia tablet I bought from Best Buy for $35.00 and it was great! Better than my Garmin and dead on accurate.
Most everyone is going to have a free internet connection before they begin their trip so downloading the maps doesn't cost a thing. They are good for 30 days and if you are going to be longer you just update them along the way or add new maps as your travels progress.
As a side note, I did monitor the data usage of Google Maps on a trip a few months back and the amount of data usage is so minimal as to be dismissed (about 8 Mb on a 250 mile drive). I did lose connection with my AT&T Mobley air card a couple of times but I don't recall every losing it with my Verizon connection.
So, if you haven't tried it, you should. Google Maps is one of the best navigation devices I have ever used and before, during and after the trip I can ask Google to find anything I like along my planned travels.