I don't know if your question was answered or not but here is my take, a 24" TV with a wall wart is somewhere around 25 Watts. A cheepo HP inverter draws about 0.5 watt. So total, 25 watts for tv and .5 watts for the inverter.
You can extrapolate that out by the size of the TV and the number of TVs being run.
I went to Best Buy as some mentioned and bought a couple of their brand TVs(Insignia), a BluRay player and the cables I needed. The TVs had wall warts as did the BluRay player and no inverter necessary. Drops the draw down by maybe 2 or 3 watts.
The BB TVs were each under $200 and they are several years old and work fine. There are a lot more TVs with wall warts today than 5 years ago. Don't know why there are more now but I shop cheap, not super high quality. Both TVs are 1080p.