I did test the program timer function, setting it to record a two hour HD broadcast using a USB memory stick, and the HW-150PVR had no problem recording and playing back the program. It broke down the record segments into 500M files due to Fat32 files system, but plays back from the HW-150PVR as a continuous 2 hour program.
Bucky Badger wrote:
can you take a thumb drive or the usb drive and watch it on a computer or does it have to be hooked up to the pvr?
Yes, you can watch the recorded video using a computer. They're standard Mpeg2 transport stream(.mts) files, and will play back using a media player with the appropriate codec such as the free, open source VLC player.
MrWizard wrote:
what i would like to know is does it have OTA HD RF pass thru
when not in use ?
or is an rf splitter needed in the antenna line ?
George, the HW-150PVR does have pass through. You go into the menu, and under Modulation, change it from channel 3/4 to loop through.