We have an older APC Battery Back-up Surge Protector (probably 10 years old or more), that has both 120 volt plugs for protecting anything plugged in and as a battery back-up in the event of failure. Originally, we purchased this for our old style desktop computers, so if working on something and the power went out, they wouuld not instantly died. The battery back-up allowed adequate time to save your work before shutting down. We used it for years, and still have it.
It also had plugs for Coax connections, cable or anything else that uses Coax. At the time we used it, we didn't have anything electronic running thorugh Coax except an outside antenna.
Since then, with the ease of using laptop computers that have batteries, and don't even have a dependency to be plugged in, we parked the battery back-up power surge protector away in the closet.
I just did A Google search and found the price has come way, way, way down from our oriignal cost for our. I think ours was like, $500 at that time. Now they sell for $44. Simply amazing!
Anyway, this is probably your best choice. Then you can plug in the coax cable and the power cable to your electronics and have a better assurance of protection. There again, "protection" is a relative term. It's kind of like getting a flue shot. You get the flu shot, only to end up with the flu because the strain you got infected with is different than the one you were vacinatted for. With power surges and such, the forces of nature and electricity have a mind of their own.