Chris Bryant wrote:
Are you talking about UPnP? Universal Plug and Play? I *think* you will still need to forward a port or poke a hole on the firewall for it, as I do not think UPnP items are exposed to the Internet (wan) by default (I hope!).
That would be my thought..
Unless the device has a built in " web server" or webpage I would think you would need some sort of server (IE software) that would have to have a specific port open through the router firewall.
From what I have gathered from looking around at most IP T-stats they are using an external website supplied by the manufacturer of the T-stat in order to provide a webpage or app which would connect you to your T-stat remotely (outside of your in house WiFi).
Sadly all of them seem to want a yearly fee ($50 per year) to establish the connection (although that is much less than a customary live monitored alarm system which is at least $100 per month) ..
Not to mention your T-stat connection would be only as good as long as the manufacturer is in business or is willing to provide the service..
But I am sure it can be done for free if one digs enough or designs their own web server connection..