drsteve wrote:
Last summer DW and I were camping in a state park on Lake Michigan, and we decided to go explore the adjacent National Forest. We went looking for a NPS campground, and the Google Lady had us leave the paved road and go down a dirt road... that got narrower and narrower... then became a two track... then became a sandy ORV trail. I was lucky to find a place to turn around.
Had we stayed on the paved road the campground was only a couple miles away...
This is why, anymore, I actually pre-review maps and plan routes for any travels outside of my areas of familiarity. We were once routed onto the side-streets of Boston, spending 30 minutes going from street light to street light, in order to cut a few miles off the highway route. I know most systems can be configured to try to avoid this stuff, but I don't trust it when I'm towing. I pre-determine any route I'm taking long distance and then use the GPS/phone nave systems locally from destination to destination.