2012Coleman wrote:
ljr wrote:
I’ve been using RoboKiller. It doesn’t just block, based on a huge database. It redirects calls to amazingly creative recordings designed to waste the caller’s time. I’ve come to look forward to telemarking calls so I can later listen to the recorded conversation. Some of them are hysterical.
I also installed RoboKiller - it does nothing against the recorded spam calls that you normally get. I got one live caller that was duped by the robot conversation, but over 50 spam calls that only play recordings. Uninstalled before the trial period ended.
I rarely have one get through unblocked. Perhaps half are a human being who gets duped by the recording. Some of them catch on more quickly than others and end the call in a few seconds. Others last for several minutes.
I’m guessing that the choice of who gets your number decides what kind and how many calls you get.