p220sigman wrote:
You might be surprised. My 82 YO mother got a smart phone about a year ago. Once the grandkids taught her how to use it, she loves it. She mainly just facebooks and plays some games, but commented over the holidays that she loved being out somewhere and just being able to look something up like a store's closing time. Her most recent discovery is starting to use the navigation capabilities when she travels.
My dad is 77 and absolutely refused to get a phone, even though my mom has had one for years. He said he couldn't think of a single good reason to have one (despite having to rely on the kindness of strangers fairly regularly to call us when his 20-year-old car breaks down).
I work for AT&T so it cost very little for me to call his bluff. I got him a smart phone for his birthday a 2 years ago. It was hard for him to hide his disgust when I gave it to him. I'll admit that he's been slow to adopt it, but he now uses it for e-mail, navigation and tuning into DirecTV Now. He'll make an occasional phone call but still refuses to text. Baby steps...