Forum Discussion

Fixed_Sight_Tra's avatar
Apr 18, 2013

Verizon signal amplifier

I use my camper mainly for an office/ classroom but the cell signal is pretty weak at my range. I know there is a signal because iPhones work without fail. A month or so ago a student was able to watch a video on youtube out there.

Unfortunately my wife and the salesman talked me into a Galaxy S3 and it doesn't get the signal. No data or voice. Sometimes I can receive texts but rarely send them.

So my question is do those $13 signal amps on ebay work? I'd rather not spend a fortune but it would be nice to have phone/ internet out there.

  • SCVJeff wrote:
    If I could walk into the Verizon store (or wherever you bought it) and prove your phone is dead where others work, I'd be leaving with a new phone.

    And just how would YOU get a new phone? Buy it? Steal it? If the phone gets a signal, and works as designed, then it is functioning properly. Because another brand or model receives a signal where this one doesn't, that in of itself does not mean this phone is not working properly. Even if it was defective, YOU would be subject to the carrier's rules regarding warranty claims. That doesn't mean YOU would get a new phone. YOUR post was not helpful.

    To the OP: Verizon markets a signal booster. Perhaps if you explain your problem, they would offer a "good will" discount on the purchase of that booster.
  • If I could walk into the Verizon store (or wherever you bought it) and prove your phone is dead where others work, I'd be leaving with a new phone. That is a HUGE and significant difference if it's really as you describe.

    IMO somethings broken
  • What has worked for us is a $200 RF signal booster in conjuntion with an external antenna. We go from zero bars to 2-3 bars both at home and while traveling.