jcpainter wrote:
MrWizard wrote:
We have one smart phone, with old unlimited data plan, one dumb phone
Approx $135 per month
Gordon you are doing alright, your in the ball park and you are using more data
I would hang on to it as long add possible
Those 4k video uploads are data killers
The way I'm understanding this is, 22gig 4g lte data on the device, so stream the movies on the phone, cast or cable to the tv,
Save the 10 gig Wi-Fi tether, for the laptop, tablet internet
Seems the best way to manage it
22 + 10 = 32 gig of high speed data available if correctly managed
Using Netflix/Amazon/Hulu on the phone cabled to tv, is the way I would do it
Network management kicks in at 22 GB on each individual line no matter how the data is used
MY management statement is per line for those that want to watch video
especially couples that might have only one smart phone
not everybody wants (4) smart phone lines