Lots of folks said that about lots of storage media over the years but there is a reason less and less computers are coming with DVD drives.
The OP does not say if these are family videos or just regular movies. If there important family movies and you really want to make sure there around for a while DVD is just not good enough for me. If you only have a copy of something in one place your begging for trouble. Services like Crashplan or Mozy or any number of others combined with a local copy provide the most reliable method to keep your data safe.
Near me lots of people lost all their pictures, DVD's, Wedding vids and everything else during the black forest and other forest fires in the last couple years. Offsite digital storage is by far the easiest and cheapest way to keep your data safe. The particular plan I use is $60 a year for unlimited storage and I have over 300GB backed up there. The backup runs continuously so new files are uploaded to the safety of the offsite shortly after being created on my computer.