theoldwizard1 wrote:
The only customer service you get from Visible is via online chat or email.
That's a very good thing to point out. This is part of how they offer lower rates.... they scale back their operations and don't have a phone call center, stores, etc.
I know that for my parents, who are in their early 80s, doing chat would NEVER work for them.
I'm OK with chat for customer service. The various questions I had before ordering Visible were answered in a timely easy to understand manner.
I honestly can't remember the last time I had an issue with Verizon that required me to contact them.
I did do a chat session with them last week when I inquired about a different account option.
I got my phone activated and the Verizon number ported over from Verizon.
Once I completed the process through the Visible app, the port was complete and the new phone was live in maybe 5 minutes, although the app said it might take 24 hours.
I logged in to my Verizon account and it said "your account has been deactivated"... so the number port process killed my Verizon account automatically it seems. LOL GOOD RIDDENS VERIZON.
Even with my school employee discount, I was paying more than I wanted to pay. (Yep, I'm still working full time)