Yes, its possible and its simple & cheap if you just want to view the live feed over the internet. I do it at both my summer & winter homes that I leave vacant for months.
If you want to record 24/7 for viewing via a DVR after the fact, then it takes more equipment and a bigger hit to your wallet.
There are dozens of quality wireless IP cameras on the market. Spend a little more to get a quality day/night cam.
All you need for basic remote viewing are: an active internet connection, a wireless router, one or more wireless IP cameras. Setup/configuration is a 5 min process of following the step by step instructions that should come with the camera.
The possible complication is, what happens if your electric power goes off momentarily while you're 1000 miles away? Depending on your internet service, you may get a different IP address on reboot, which means you can't connect using the old IP#. some routers can be configured to email you the new IP#; or you can use a UPS to power the router during short outages.