We went to the weather radio app after a tornado alert we received while staying in Lajunta Colorado. (eastern Colorado) Having grown up in tornado alley and being a pilot, I am fairly good at spotting developing bad weather. We turned on our battery operated weather radio and about midnight it gave the alarm. The main problem was it was giving the storm area by counties and we had no idea what county we were camped in. My wife grabbed the road atlas and started searching for our county. She finally found it as I was getting the Class A ready to move if need by. Turned out to be the county next to us but we got lots of rain, wind and lightning.
So at that point I decided to get something that kept track of where we were and would only send alerts for that location. Weather Radio was recommended and it has worked for us very well. I just put my iphone on the night stand next to the bed in sleep mode and it will wake up on receiving a signal. Whether it gets the signal before, at the same time or 30 seconds later, is no big concern to me. I want to know if if is for my location. If the old weather radios work for a person, that is good, but I wanted something better and I have it IMHO.
If a person could tie one of the old weather radios to a GPS system, then it would work the same as does a smart phone with GPS capabilities. My real answer is to stay out of tornado alley if the weather is looking threatening but since we run out to western Colorado, from Florida most summers, sometimes going on north to Alaska, it is hard to miss all the bad midwest weather at times.