Bill.Satellite wrote:
I was in a park with similar rules and their explanation was that your router/amp/ranger extender must use one of the limited number of channels available on the WiFi Networks (Channels 1-11) and would cause interference with their networks so none of these devices were allow. This included WiFi type devices as they also use the same channels to broadcast a connection to the devices inside your coach.
The RV park has every right do exclude anything they like (i.e. we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason).
Failure to abide by the park rules would lead to eviction and that particular rule was very well advertised in the office as well as with yard signs throughout the park.
And those 11 frequencies overlap each other in a way that there is really only three distinct bands. However, this is yet another problem many of us park owners lump into the "we put out the wifi service, what and your fellow RVers do degrade the system for everyone is not our problem." management style. I gave up long ago trying to keep the channels free of interference, right along side keeping the bandwidth hogs at bay.