I have been trying to relay what DW told about what happened as she was the one that saw the messages and did the talking with our phone company.
She was getting email messages from them stating that there were illegal downloads, not any screen images/messages. Obviously wasn't me since I would never watch a Spongebob movie or the Simpsons, not only that, the downloads were around midnight (we old folks go to bed long before that...).
The plot thickens:
One of my nephews happened to be over yesterday evening and I jokingly asked if he might have downloaded the Simpsons and Spongebob. Sure enough, he did. The weird thing is that he lives in a condo about 20 miles away. My SIL moved into a suite in our house a few weeks ago after owning a townhouse that her 2 kids used to hang out in at a lot. My SIL doesn't have a land line and uses a cell phone for business and work. Further, my nephew's condo is technically owned by my SIL ('nuther story) and he uses Skype as a phone. I am guessing that somehow my SIL's IP address tagged along with her to our house?
DW haven't had a chance to talk more about this or look into it as we are just heading out to go camping today. DW is concerned because she is worried the cops could come knocking on our door someday. Who knows what else my nephew could be downloading too. On the upside, at least it looks like we weren't hacked into.