The sticky question rears its head again. Is it connectivity, or is it bandwidth? Rarely is it connectivity, 1 bar cell phone is as good as 3, as long as the connection is solid. A cell extender may improve your ' bars' cant help you with bandwidth, therefore speed.
Bandwidth is another matter. The available bandwidth of a broadcast wifi system is limited to the incoming mb/s the provider can provide, reduced by the speed of the broadcast antenna and other equipment , so an incoming 50 mb/s may only be a 25 available wifi. Split that up among the camps many.
Upload is even more troubled.
The only promise to make camp wifi as good as you want is when camps get fiber optic cable which vastly increases bandwidth.
wide camp bandwidth comes with a price.from the provider. When camps can get it and offer it,we will have to pay for it, so it will come with a price increase, Your choice is to pay your cell provider for the bandwidth or through higher camp fees. Think, the camp pays for service for when only 1 user, but must plan and pay for the maximum usage . Its like CATV. 1 site or all the price is the same.
My bet is it will be cheaper and more convenient in the long term to use your cell plan