yes it has wifi hotspot
little mis-understanding here
its the vzw plan i have that forces me to use foxfi or to change my plan
i have an 'OLD' grandfathered Unlimited data plan, NO slow down, No GB limit, No prioritizing
but tethering & hot spotting were NEVER allowed on that plan, that plan is so old, wifi hotspot option did not exist then, only the ability to 'tether' with a USB cable, got that plan when i had a 'feature phone' (now they call them dumb phones, but they are not dumb} with basic mobile internet browser
{i'v been using mobile cellular internet since it was a dialup option that used 'minutes' not mega/giga bytes}
{i had 300 daytime minutes and unlimited nighttime and weekend minutes}
without foxfi, vzw would charge me for every megabyte of data used by my PC or tablet, using data connection from the phone
i would change my plan, but no one has convinced me i can equal use for less dollars per month