AllegroD wrote:
uscgcolletti wrote:
Appriciate all the information. Also I ever said I was going to use the CG wifi. Thats why I'm looing for other options.
Unless you acknowledge this, you will always get a warning about how it affects others on potentially weak networks. Thanks for acknowledging this.
There really ISN'T any cheap "options" when it comes to "streaming", video (decent quality good enough for say a 24" TV or larger) takes a lot of data.
Many streaming systems to get you a picture have to use extremely high compression ratios of the data..
High compression can cause severe damage to the video often called "artifacts". Even with high compression it takes a lot of data to get you a watchable pix.
If you are going to stream, you simply must limit your video quality to SD (Standard Definition) and or the amount of movies/programs you watch per month.. SD uses a lot less data and therefore you can stretch your programming budget.
There simply is not much in "options" concerning unlimited wireless Internet.. Pretty much non existent now days.
Many cell carriers have dropped all unlimited access to new plans and some old unlimited plans are "grandfathered" but if you need to get new equipment the grandfathering goes out the window.
For what you will pay in data overages, you might be further ahead to opt for a Dish or Direct TV account.. $50-$100 per month wouldn't be all that bad considering you would have service 24/7/365 and no worry about overages.. Add in DVR and you can record a lot then play back anytime..