Evan and Brian spent a lot of time on my issues. Firmware updates were forced in, pre-release software was loaded on, setting changed and tweaked for a number of days on end.
When I finally was able to get my iOS devices connected, I found the GO's SSID broadcast to be cycling off and on every 5 - 10 minutes. The whole unit was not rebooting, but the wifi would simply disappear for 10-20sec then reappear.
By the time I gave up, every possible feature of the WFR was disabled and the unit was in full manual mode. I had to manually manage my connections and found myself spending way too much time doing so, only to have the SSID disappear every few minutes.
So, in the closet it went and there it will stay for the time being. Everything the WFR SHOULD DO, makes it oh so promising and attractive.
Maybe someday, it will actually deliver on those promises. Right now, in my view, it is still be the BETA test mode and should be sold as such.
I've had my Cradlepoint MBR1400 up and running for over 3 weeks now. After a half hour to initially configure it, I have not touched it since.............
I know you are a WFR Ambassador, but for me....... the product just is not ready from prime time. :(
docj wrote:
paulcardoza wrote:
After struggling mightily with the WFR GO for many months, my advice would be to spend some extra $$$$ and buya Cradlepoint MBR1400. It will do more than you'll ever need, but it does it perfectly, without the need to tinker and struggle to keep a good internet connection!
My GO is in a box in the closet. I'm not sure why, but I can't bring myself to put it in the dumpster.
We're sorry you're having problems with your WiFi Ranger Go. Have you attempted to get help from the support team?
If you could be more specific as to what your issues are, we would be happy to assist. There have been several recent firmware updates which have improved overall performance markedly. If your Go is unable to handle the update we are replacing all units, regardless of warranty status, with updated models.
Please let me know what we can do to help you.