Bill.Satellite wrote:
Powerline equipment uses the actual power lines to send the signal. Imagine it as a dedicated Ethernet cable running throughout your home and you can plus a sender in at one location and it can be received at multiple other locations on the same set of circuits. It's certainly not snake oil and it's not any kind of an amplifier. It will be interesting to see how this could be implemented in a campground but sending the signal through a separate 20amp circuit that goes to all sites just might work! I am not sure how anyone here knows what the backhaul is at this location. Powerline equipment will not improve the backhaul but a better connection (powerline vs. Wifi) could easily improve the end user experience.
I am interested to hear more.
If your basic outline of how it works is correct, it won't work in a RV park setting. There is no separate 20 amp circuit that would run to every site. Just not possible, unless it is a 5 or 6 site park. At one of our parks we have 14 separate 200 amp mains that come off of 6 different transformers. Even if you could somehow feed to each main, there would be the problem of which leg of the 200 amp feeder to connect the wifi feed. The legs are actually routed randomly across the loop, leg one might feed the 30 amp and the right side 50 amp leg at one box and feed the 20 amp receptacle and the left side of the 50 amp at the adjacent one. Then you don't know how each RV is going to connect. That wifi signal may feed into the proper outlet inside their rig if they use the 30 amp connection, but only feed the water heater and air conditioner circuits if they use the 50 amp. There just are no easy answers to park wifi. It is going to be a problem until us park owners can rip it out completely in about 3 years. With the advances in cellular data, wifi will soon join the payphone, the cassette tape, floppy discs and tube televisions in the technology junkpile.