AMOS33 wrote:
"I'm trying to figure out how you're getting "36Mb/s to Pole 40" from a "20Mb/s DSL link". Which speed test are you using?"
Hi Dutch. The 36Mb/s is the max speed at a distance of 200'for that link between Pole 40 and Pole 33(my RV). Using Ookla speed test I am getting 8.58 Mb/s download and 1.86 upload with a ping test of 31ms.
The shorter the distance the greater the speed of the Nano links.
What are these "poles" you are referring to? Are they the park pedestals? Are they utility company poles? Is that 36Mb/s speed just the theoretical limit of the Powerline system? If so, how significantly does it degrade with multiple users on the same line, which would be the case if more than one user had an adapter on a line? How secure is the system should there be more than one adapter on a line? It sounds like such connections would be linked before the router or access point applied it's security protocols such as WPA2-AES. Do the adapters create a back door security issue?