Bill.Satellite wrote:
AMOS33, thanks for the visit. I find the information to be very interesting and believe you have been able to wire the park with powerline devices. It sounds like a great application. Early adopters are often ridiculed for new ideas. If you have done this successfully, congratulations. Campground WiFi is notoriously bad (whether it qualifies as broadband or not) so anything that could make it more dependable, no matter the speed, would be an improvement.
I hope you don't go too far away but I certainly understand why you might. The very best to you!
Thank you sir. Our little park is ready should we obtain a bigger feed, nothing else needs to change. The park is ready for Gigabit speeds even tho we are currently limited to 'bonded DSL' at 20 Mb/s at the present. So the outlook looks bright even tho we are not providing "Broadband Powerline" services, it is still free.