Sam Spade wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
Your post about stopping Win10 updates is nothing more than BS and you know it.
I know no such thing.
I know that YOU seem to have an inflated opinion of yourself though.
You can not turn off Win10 updates, not even Businesses can turn off updates. Unless you have set your PC to LIMITED METERED INTERNET those updates ARE still getting to your PC, they are just done a lot different (IE silently) now days.
Setting it to wireless metered Internet connection only DEFERS the updates until you plug the PC into a WIRED connection. Once you plug it into a wired connection your PC WILL automatically get ALL the differed updates.
As far as me having a inflated "opinion" nothing further from the truth, I HAPPENED to deal with Computer IT issues where I work.. Painfully aware of the silliness of Win10 updates, which several lately have really been botched by MS to the point that it renders your wireless connection totally dead..
When someone posts that they found the "secret" to turning Win10 updates off then not willing to elaborate it sends a lot of red bs flags into the air.