rk911 wrote:
navigator2346 wrote:
My computer is running Win7 and I have some software and hardware that is Win7 only. All I am getting told is the only option is to upgrade hardware and software to the tune of about $25K!
I know about no security upgrades. etc but there has to be something else that can be done so I can continue with Win7. The computer has to be connected to the internet for some functions.
Any ideas> What about running it behind a VPN?
i can run old software in win10 in compatibility mode. would that work for you?
Compatibility mode does not "always" work, not to mention some software installers will puke at Win10 due to the wrong version of Internet Exploder (and YES, I HAVE personally experienced that with Adobe Photoshop Elements).
And yes, I HAVE made even old fashion DOS programs run on XP, Win7 but I can assure you, Win10 is a different creature and most likely the only way to make them run is using a Virtual Machine (VM)..
VM may be the best bet for the OPs situation, basically Win10 is the "Host" operating system and the Win7 is a "Guest" of the Host in a Virtual environment.
OP will want Win10 PRO or Enterprise Pro depending on the license in order to be able to use MS VMs..
Guest OS is isolated unless you specifically grant permissions to Internet and USB ports for that VM and IF your VM gets a virus, it is contained within the VM and you can simply delete and replace with a backup copy of the VM..
Your PC MUST have enough RAM for the Host and Guest operating systems to function correctly, I would say min of 8gb of RAM for Host and 8GB RAM for each Guest VM they wish to use at the same time..
Quad core processor would be a good place to start although you can get away with a dual core your VM speed may suffer some.