strollin wrote:
donn0128 wrote:
Was just reading on the news that Win XP and Win7 are running on far more computers even today than any of the Win8 variants. When oh when will Microsoft wake up?
I also read that Win 8/8.1 is running on more computers than ALL versions of OS X combined. When will Apple wake up? :B
I also recently read that Windows 8 was struggling to catch up to the existing market share of MS Vista users...Wondering if they would rather have reintroduced Vista:)
Seriously, touch is coming. The new ACER Chromebook has a touchscreen. The rumored 13" ipad "pro" will be a large touch device, as are a few android tablets.
I personally might buy an android tablet w/ a 14-15" screen and running Firefox. Otherwise, I'll stick w/ XP running FF until some security failure forces me to install a Linux distro on the failed computer. I really only use the browser, anymore.