I learned a few things lately. It's best to never ask windows to update. If you do, Microsoft's brands you as a "seeker" or some such term, and will then force beta updates on you, the kind that wreak havoc like we've seen lately. Updates come labeled B,C, and D, which reflects the 3 last weeks of the month. B, or the second week, are the most important(security), and C and D for the 3rd and 4th less so(quality, or feature updates perhaps). If you are on Windows 7, there is an app called Never10, which will absolutely block any attempt by them to force 10 on you. If your on Windows 10 and you want to completely stop all their telemetry and spy processes, there is another app called Shutup10. Shutup10 is just an .exe app and doesn't even need to be downloaded, but you may need to run it again after updates. Both the fore mentioned apps are made by respected developers, and are not themselves spyware of any sort.