camperforlife wrote:
Here are a couple links that will help you change settings to cut your data useage link 1, link 2.
Yup, good advice. The most important thing is to learn how to manage
Metered Internet connections, as described in camperforlife's first link.
Disabling BITS and fiddling with the QoS Packet Scheduler, as described in the second link, shouldn't be needed very often. And BTW, the 2nd link is wrong. It says that QoS reserves 80% of your bandwidth for itself, leaving you with 20%. That's backwards. It reserves 20%, and then ONLY when you're doing certain network-intensive tasks like VOIP, or also Windows Update. But since the system doesn't download most updates on a metered connection, you're rarely in a QoS situation anyway.
This article does a bit better job explaining that.