4aSong wrote:
Why limit your choices to windows 7 or 8, look into UBUNTU which is very stable, faster running, excellent online support and provides equivalent or better security enhancements and above all it FREE. I installed it on my old Dell laptop which was running XP professional and all I can say I should have done it years ago.
X2 My old Toshiba Satellite with Vista got so sluggish I could hardly use it. I wiped the disc and reinstalled Vista from the OEM disc. It never did work right again. I got another laptop with Win7, which is OK, but when I installed Ubuntu (just to play around with it) on the first computer it ran like new.
After a year, it runs just as well as when I installed it. You can even run Windows programs using cross platform software (Wino). My only complaint is that I can't sync my Quicken 2013 with other devices from the Ubuntu machine. Nevertheless, I use the Ubuntu machine 98% of the time. Even if you buy a new machine with Windows OS, try installing Ubuntu on your old machine. You might be amazed!
P.S. There are Ubuntu bookkeeping programs that work just fine. It's just that I have been using Quicken since 1990 and am too lazy to change.