Simplygib wrote:
There was a time when I was on the bleeding edge of computer technology because I wanted to be.......
Me too.
When I see statements like the above - I chuckle and think about the "bleeding edge" business apps with IBM 1401, 7094, 360, etc.
And *90* column round-hole punched cards.
Shirt and tie *required* at Douglas Acft.
"Rank specific" ID badges for grunts through big shots.
Then, on to scientific apps at System Development Corp. (SDC).
Wore whatever you wanted - shorts and Hawaiian shirts = fine!
Everybody had the same type of badge/ID - all with 'Secret' Clearance minimum.
No way to tell the pres of the company from the janitor - w/o knowing their names, LOL!
The first week I was there, somebody points to a group of guys and says - "There's Jules Schwartz!"
Me - OK, so where's his brother Herbie?
"No, no! Jules Schwartz - you know the 'creator' of JOVIAL."
.... As in - "Jules Own Version Of The International Algorithmic Language".
Was still going strong in 2010 !!Besides the "modern stuff" early "bleeding edge" at SDC was a first gen computer with floor to ceiling banks of drawers chock full of vacuum tubes - a second gen computer with a building built *around* the computer (pd for by IBM) with oil filled (for cooling) core - which was the first time-share computer.
BTW - that 1st gen computer was still in use at the time (late 60's) by the AF as part of the Western Defense Sector for NORAD.
It's console was later used for 'gee whiz' on the deck of the Star Ship Enterprise. Beam me up, Scottie!
So I moved on to be a shift supervisor for a DPF&G service center with a room full of UNIVAC 1108 stuff. Great pay and perks!
But, said enough of all this and decided putting wet stuff on the red stuff would be lots more exciting.
Only regret - why didn't I do that sooner?
Sure glad I did - made me "jovial" - - 'cause personal computers came along and all you folks inherited the next generation of fun and games!!..:B