Mar 19, 2014Explorer
Windows 8
While typing I hit a button somewhere and now everything has been reduced to where I can't read it. This is a new computer, I have searched fore the answer but can't find what happened. I should a...
Likes to tow wrote:bradyk wrote:
I laugh at all the Windows 8 naysayers. I am an IT guy for a living and run 8.1 myself and recently switched my non techie wife over and have no issues. I use windows 7 on my work laptop and have a Linux machine here at home too. I think the biggest issue is just the change in desktop. 8.1 allows a point half way between 7 and 8. Get used to a few tiles or setup your desktop icons and shortcuts on the taskbar and you won't hardly notice the difference. I know the other issue is most don't have the IT support but unfortunately you miss out on using a modern system that is more the standard or of the future. XP is being worked out and changes will have to be made as costly or pain staking as it may be even if MS has to do some back pedalling to please customers.
Here is where you have a significant advantage over everyone else. You deal with technology every waking hour of your life........I don't. The people who design and promote all the new toys have no idea how hard it is for someone who has other intersts in life and does not sit in front of a keyboard all day to use the new "improvements" to software.