Standard Phishing technique.
It's easy to create an email that looks legitimate. If you click on the link, it will likely ask for your user info including password...then they have access to your account.
Unless you just requested something (ie: you just ordered an air compressor on amazon and you recieved an email 5 min later from amazon saying here is the info for your air compressor purchase), generally don't click on email links.
- Preferably go to the website directly from your normal method (not the email link) and from there see if they are asking for the same info.
- If you really feel the need to click on the link, check the email address (not the name associated which is easy to the above example it shows "yahoo" but the email has no reference to "yahoo" ). It should reference the website (be careful of endings other than ".com". The above example is ".kr" implying Korea, though that could be faked also and other country codes are often used when the ".com" site is already taken by the legitimate site.).